Playground Uprising

The Silver Lining
April 2, 2007, 2:03 pm
Filed under: beauty, Children


I strapped on Charlie this morning as Mac and I headed out the door to school, WITHOUT his nap bag. For those of you not familiar with the Monday Nap Bag, it consists of a freshly washed fitted sheet, a soft blanket, Curious George, and an extra set of clothes for Mac to change into after he paints himself, creates an interpretive-self portrait out of sand, or otherwise wallows in substances we somehow manage to avoid as working adults. This bag is always replenished on Monday and often receives a tune-up to address midweek lapses in four-year old judgment. The trick with the nap bag is to send items you would not miss if burned in a fire or lost in the abyss located in most preschools, while at the same time not including anything adorned with large princesses or girly colors that would embarrass your little man and tack on future therapist visits. As an added bonus, I also include coloring books, crayons, and army men as Mac has decided that napping does not fit readily into his social scene and when left to his own bare bed devises, opts for funny faces and placing his cot on his head, actions seldom celebrated by overworked preschool teachers in desperate need of a broom closet break and a benedryl. So as you can see, the bag is essential and I forgot it. Upon recognition of this omission, my immediate reaction was “oh crap” and then I attempted to find my happy place, which was difficult to locate amidst the back pains from Tubby Tuba glued to my front, but somehow it glistened through as I asked Mac if he wanted to hang with his fellas or embark on a trip home, to which he replied, with the enthusiasm of a man about to conquer Everest, “let’s do it mommy.” So we began the five minute adult walk which equated to the 10 minute Mac jaunt, casually extended by essentials, such as, examining hardened dog poop, touching broken glass, inquiring about why the elderly man was pushing a cart and talking to the cat we couldn’t see, and singing a remix of the ABC song and Twinkle Twinkle. Nonetheless, the temperature was perfect, the wind was bustling, and I was enjoying it all with the two people I love most. So we made it home, grabbed a Nutrigrain bar for the road, and talked about how lucky we were to start the morning on foot, AGAIN.

2 Comments so far
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I want to walk to school! How lovely!

Comment by stacey

I do not think you cold ak for a better way to start off a Monday Morning and the week!!!!!

Comment by Ginny

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