Playground Uprising

The Purse
February 13, 2007, 6:19 pm
Filed under: Family, Life

Yesterday I was bad, very bad.

Stacey, I have you to thank for that.

Rewind ….

The first sighting came at Book Club, referred to as Dork Club by some unnamed immediate family members. There it was on Stacey’s shoulder …. Nylon and monogrammed …. I mean you can’t go wrong with that.

You see I am a vegetarian.

I have been for the last 15 years (my family contributes my numerous flaws and oddities to this lifestyle decision). So what does this have to do with a purse?

Well, I try not carry or wear leather, sorry Madonna. I draw the line at shoes. Let’s face it, espadrilles just don’t wear well in the winter and a girl can only order so many hemp shoes without starting rumors.

Fortunately, the animal friendly purse is alive and well (an apparently monogrammed), and though I am not a big clothes shopper, I am a sucker for a cute bag.

So, over the weekend I sent Stacey, a fellow mom and blogger, a slightly stalkesk e-mail inquiring about the origins of her little piece of heaven and she in-turn gave me the lowdown.

Immediately, I switched into obessessive internet research gal, can’t do anything without consulting the ever knowledgeable cyber crowd, and found that this purse only graces the shelves of three stores in Virginia, two which happen to be in Northern Virginia (which for us Southerners is consider the North) and one in good old Richmond. Hotdog! So before picking up the Dean of Destruction, I swooped up the pipsqueak and headed over to the Promised Land with an unnatural level of excitement.

And there they were.

Sitting in an armoire just waiting for ME. I was sure of it. And hanging off these little gems was the price. I was scared. I didn’t want to look. My research had tipped me off to the pending doom. But I was brave as I turned that sucker over and started to contemplate just how much baby Charlie really wanted his super cool mommy to have this bag.

Then there was the issue of color. I was first drawn to the light blue beauty with the green lining, but having visions of a similar sight adorning Stacey’s shoulder and in an effort to convince her that I was not a complete stalker with high school tendencies, I chose the pink with the taupe lining, pretty sure that the darker accent color pushed the Summer outside acceptably across seasons (but my work attire consists of black and kaki pants so I am not qualified to make fashion assumptions).

Next, I made the call. Girls do you do this too? You see my husband is kind, often well meaning, but historically cheap! This is the guy who brings home the Styrofoam (sorry environment) coffee cups he get at the gym each morning to enjoy a second performance later in the week.

So after providing some background information on the dyer decision that lay before me, I held the phone away from my ear, prepared to be impressed by just how many ways one can creatively combine a four-letter vocabulary, and do you know what he said, without even a hint of contention?

Honey, if you love it you should have it.

And I did, so I do.

And this morning as I awoke to its glory, I was reminded just how lucky I am to have a friend with a sense of style that has always completely eluded me, a Dean of Destruction who when not causing me to medicate myself makes me laugh hysterically, a Pipsqueak who has decided to contribute to the family sanity and sleep through the night, and a husband who thinks I am worthy of purse with a ridiculous price tag just because I wanted it.

Life is indeed good.

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MUST see pic of purse, Dean of De!

Comment by Janice

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